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Labor moves to consolidate its power under guise of ‘political donation reforms’ ahead of next election

13 Jun, 2024
Media Releases

Today, State Premier Peter Malinauskas announced plans to introduce legislation banning gifts and donations to political parties, MPs and candidates.

SA-BEST welcomes political donation reforms put forward in service of keeping money out of politics, but Mr Malinauskas’ proposal seems to be put together to align the Labor Party’s crosshairs on minor parties and independents.

The presence of independent voices in the Parliament of South Australia is of paramount importance as the strict party lines of both the Liberal Party and Labor continue to alienate South Australian voters.

It is these same voices from minor parties and independent members who ultimately hold the government of the day accountable — especially in the Upper House — yet are disproportionately affected by this proposal.

Nothing that has been announced so far will prevent the unions and Labor’s associated entities including SA Progressive Business from campaigning on their behalf, at the expense of minor parties and independents who won’t be able to compete.

It costs money to run an effective campaign — based on what we’ve heard so far minor parties and independents will scarcely be able to afford to run a single political advertisement campaign.

SA-BEST MLC Connie Bonaros is incensed at this blatant attempt to consolidate power and influence from the Labor Party, stating,

“It’s bullshit. Lord only knows the Premier would love to see the back of the lot of us [independent and minor party members] in the Upper House. There is nothing fair or even about the playing field being proposed. We won’t stand a chance and he knows it.”

Having long supported calls to reduce the influence of money in politics, SA-BEST is appalled at the degree to which the Premier has leveraged necessary reform to suit his own political agenda, and will remain committed to the continuation of a Parliament where independent voices are able to represent the interests of South Australians.

Quotes attributable to the Hon. Connie Bonaros MLC

“I'm all for political donation reform but I smell a rat. Labor's coffers will continue to be lined under these changes whilst those who actually hold the government accountable are being shown in no uncertain terms just what the Premier thinks of independent voices.

"If this legislation passes unamended, the multiplier effect will ensure the major parties see no significant drop-off in their financial power. If you're not towing the Labor or Liberal party line, you're hung out to dry.

“The devil is always in the detail but make no mistake, the Premier is seeking to capitalize on his party’s last election win and consolidate Labor’s power – nothing more, nothing less. That is an absolute travesty and an indictment on democracy. South Australian voters will be the biggest losers, once again.

“The Premier appears obsessed with all things American at the moment and this is no exception. This isn’t about getting money out of politics — it’s about turning the tables on minors and independents and getting others to do your dirty work for you.

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