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Around 80% of marine life in South Australian waters is found nowhere else on Earth. Our marine environments are more diverse and unique than even the Great Barrier Reef. South Australian waters support over 6,000 invertebrate species, 350 fish species, 16 breeding seabird species, 33 mammal species, 1,200 algae species, and 12 seagrass species. This rich diversity is due to the unique south-facing coastline, varying oceanographic conditions, and a wide variety of coastal and marine environments.

Marine Parks

The Marine Park system was introduced in 2012 to conserve marine biodiversity and habitats, with four levels of protection.

Controversy and Collaboration: The establishment of marine parks has been contentious among stakeholders. SA-BEST has worked extensively with the fishing industry, conservation sectors, and other stakeholders to balance marine protection with economic opportunities.

Achieving Balance: SA-BEST played a key role in facilitating unprecedented agreement among all sectors. This includes a multi-partisan agreement to avoid further expansion of the marine park network during the upcoming statutory review period and allowing non-invasive commercial harvesting of abalone within an established marine park.

The Future of the Fishing Industry

Economic Contribution: The fishing industry is crucial to South Australia's economy and reputation as a premier seafood destination. It is the backbone of many renowned regions.

Addressing Challenges: SA-BEST is committed to reducing red tape and bureaucracy to support the industry's viability. We seek practical solutions for balanced, streamlined, and efficient fisheries management practices, compliance regimes, and cost recovery models.


Advocacy Success: SA-BEST successfully advocated against the proposed extension of the Southern Ocean Wind Zone into South Australian waters, preventing potential negative impacts on industry and local communities.

Country of Origin Labelling

SA-BEST helped secure Country of Origin Labelling laws for seafood in South Australia. Now, customers will know the origin of their seafood when dining out, a practice being implemented nationwide.

Stakeholder Engagement

Expert-Driven Policy: SA-BEST prioritises guidance from industry experts over political ideology. This approach ensures practical and sensible solutions.

Accountability and Advocacy: While not holding government purse strings, SA-BEST effectively holds governments accountable and advocates for job-creating and security-enhancing industry sectors.

  • Secured unprecedented multi partisan agreements between fishing and conservation sectors
  • Successfully advocated against the Southern Ocean Wind Zone extending into SA waters
  • Helped secure Country of Origin labelling laws for SA

SA-BEST remains dedicated to working collaboratively with all sectors to ensure sustainable and prosperous outcomes for South Australia’s marine environments and fishing industry.
